Solved Problem on Quantum Physics

In a thermonuclear explosion, the temperature at the center of the explosion is momentarily 107 K. Find the wavelength for which the emitted radiation is maximum.

Problem data:
  • Temperature at the center of the explosion:    T = 107 K.

Wien's Law is given by
\[ \begin{gather} \bbox[#99CCFF,10px] {\lambda_{max}T=2.989\times 10^{-3}} \end{gather} \]
substituting the data
\[ \begin{gather} \lambda_{max}=\frac{2.989\times 10^{-3}}{10^{7}}\\[5pt] \lambda_{max}=2.989\times 10^{-3}\times 10^{-7}\\[5pt] \lambda_{max}=2.989\times 10^{-10}=29.89\times 10^{-9} \end{gather} \]
\[ \begin{gather} \bbox[#FFCCCC,10px] {\lambda_{max}=29.89\;\text{nm}} \end{gather} \]